1. The Student
2. The Parents
Has there been a conversion in the family? Yes No
If yes, please specify whom, and under which Rabbinate
3. Previous Jewish Education
Does your child read Hebrew? |
Deas your child speak/understand Hebrew? |
Does your child have any learning difficulties with general studies? |
If yes, please describe: |
Child’s previous Hebrew education, if any: |
4. Other
5. Tuition: $125/session
(+$35 supllies & Textbooks)
* $35 will be added to the first payment for supplies and textbooks
** It is our goal to ensure a formal Jewish education for every Jewish child in the Niagara Region. Every child deserves the gift of his own Heritage, regardless of his/her parents financial abilities. Please contact Rabbi Zalman or Perla personally to discuss payment plans, scholarship or discounts.
CONFIDENTIAL: Does your child have any allergies or other medical condition we should be aware of? If yes, please describe them and indicate special precautions or care needed.
As the parent(s) or legal guardian of the above child, I/we authorize any adult acting on behalf of Aleph Champ Niagara to hospitalize or secure treatment for my child, I further agree to pay all charges for that care and/or treatment. It is understood that if time and circumstances reasonably permit, Aleph Champ Niagara personnel will try, but are not required, to communicate with me prior to such treatment. I hereby give permission for my child to participate in all school activities, join in class and school trips on and beyond school properties and allow my child to be photographed while participating in Aleph Champ activities and that these pictures may be used for marketing purposes. I Accept